Help for a broken heart

Have you ever heard of stress cardiomyopathy? It is the real sensation of tightness or bruising in your chest that comes from a relationship break-up, or big loss. The pain is really felt in your body near your heart.

Ways I can help you mend your hurting heart in therapy!

  • A Story to Tell

    You need to talk about your broken heart. By remembering the best, worst, and everything in between, you will be able to honor your full story of love and loss and put things to rest in your way and in your time.

  • Attachment Styles

    Did you know your basic survival needs are rooted in attachment from infancy to death? We will work together to learn more about your specific attachment style so you can cope better with the big emotions that come with a broken heart.

  • Building Confidence

    Your broken heart can leave the sensation of emptiness. Let’s learn together how you can find your individual worth and self-esteem again. You will never forget what has been lost but you can move forward when you are ready with solid ground beneath your feet.

Let your tears flow. They give water to your soul.