Have questions about what it’s like to work together? Check out these frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question here, click here to get in touch.
My office is centrally located near downtown Orlando at Corrine Drive Counseling Center. I welcome all clients to chose in-person, virtual, or a combination of both depending on their needs and schedule. The area I am in is becoming fondly known as ‘The Dessert District.’
A link will be emailed directly to you the day before our appointment. All you have to do is open the link and I will be there to meet you.
Yes, I have a cheerful office with windows on a ground floor, and I love in-person clients. The building is eclectic and quiet. Parking is in back.
I charge $80 a session. It is important to me to be as affordable as I can for my clients. I keep a few slots open for sliding scale clients.
I charge $125 for couples counseling.
A first appointment is a little different than other sessions.
I will go over a few business items.
We will review your intake form together which you will have filled out before our first appointment.
We will discuss your overall goals for therapy.
Overall I let the client set the pace. This is your therapy!
Often clients come weekly if symptoms of depression and anxiety, or any other uneasiness, are overwhelming. Once clients feel more regulated they move to twice a month. Many clients keep a maintenance relationship and continue to come once a month.
Couples therapy is much more directive and lasts 8-12 weeks, 1 session per week.